Counters one, three, and four were used to plateau counter three.
This graph appears to plateau around 1.1 to 1.2 volts. A problem with the power connection to the PMT was found in this counter, the dip at 1.247 volts could be a result of that bad connection.
These are the values for the graph above along with the counts per minute for couters one, three, and four.
Volts | 1&2&3 1&4 | Counts per Minute (1&3&4) 0.953 | 0.0004 | 0.6
| 1.042 | 0.005 | 8
| 1.160 | 0.059 | 88
| 1.247 | 0.046 | 342
| 1.335 | 0.074 | 555
| 1.444 | 0.077 | 575
| 1.546 | 0.078 | 582
| 1.647 | 0.076 | 569
| 1.755 | 0.077 | 572
| |
Counters one and four were set to a voltage of 1.106 volts and kept constant. Their coincidence was measured three times, when counter three was at 0.745, 1.160, and 1.444 volts. The frequency was 7616, 7399, and 7405 counts/minute, respectivly. The average is 7474, which is what the counts per minute for the coincidence of one, three, and four was divided by.