course index

Exam 3 Preparation

Material Covered

The second exam will cover the material in chapters 21 and 26. Specifically, it will cover topics from sections 21.1 - 21.6, 21.11 - 21.12, and 26.1 - 26.9.

Exam Format

The exam is closed book and closed notes. Remember to bring a calculator.

The exam will begin at 10:40 and end at 11:35am.

The exam will consist of 10 questions, with a format similar to the first two exams. Each question will be worth 2 points, for a total of 20 points on the exam. The exam counts for 20% of your grade, so each point is 1% of your final grade.

Equations and Constants

The following equations and constants will be given on the exam.

R XC = 1 / (2pfC) XL = 2pfL
phase = 0° phase = -90° phase = 90°


I = Im / Sqrt{2} DV = DVm / Sqrt{2}
DV = Sqrt{DVR2 + (DVL - DVC)2} Z = Sqrt{R2 + (XL - XC)2} DV = I Z
tan f = (XL - XC) / R Pav = I DV cos f P = I2 R
E / B = c Em Bm / 2m0 = Em2/ 2m0c = c Bm2 / 2m0 c = f l
g = 1 / Sqrt{1 - v²/c²} Dt2 = g Dt1
L = Lp / g = Lp Sqrt{1 - v²/c²} p = gmv v13 = (v12 + v23) / (1 + (v12 v23/c²))
KE = gmc² - mc² ER = mc² Etot = gmc²
c = 3.0×108m/s e0 = 8.85×10-12 C²/N m² m0 = 4p×10-7 Tm/A

Note that, although the equations are given, you must remember what they stand for and how to use them.

You are responsible for knowing concepts that go along with the material.

Exam and Solutions

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© Robert Harr 2000