PHY5200 F06

Chapter 5: Oscillations


Taylor 5.5-5.7 (today) and 5.7-5.8 (Wednesday).


Damped Harmonic Oscillator

[D + γ - q][D + γ + q]x = 0
x = A± exp[-(γ±q)t]

Damped Harmonic Oscillator, Summary of Relations

mx[ddot] + cx[dot] + kx = 0

The following table summarizes relations between the constants used in the damped oscillator results.

quantity relations comments
ω0 ω02 = k/m positive
ωd ωd2 = ω02 - γ2 positive
γ γ = c/2m positive

Four cases to consider: no damping, underdamped, critically damped, and overdamped. These differ in the amount of damping as determined by the relative values of γ and ω0.

damping γ decay parameter
none γ=0 0
under γ<ω0 γ
critical γ=ω0 γ
over γ>ω0 γ - sqrt(γ² - ω0²)

Driven, Damped Oscillations

Every real oscillator has some friction or energy loss, and so will eventually stop oscillating. It is therefore common to drive an oscillator with a periodic force. We'll investigate the behavior of an oscillator with a driving force F. We now have the solution to the homogeneous differential equation. If an additional driving force is applied, then we need to consider the equation:

mx[ddot] + bx[dot] + kx = F

which can be rewritten with linear operators as

[D + β - q][D + β + q]x = F .

In general, the force can take on any form, but a particularly interesting case is if the force is time dependent, F = F(t). Then, the differential equation is a non-homogeneous, linear, ODE, and techniques exist to solve it. We will solve the case where the force varies (co)sinusoidally with time: F(t) = F0cos(ωt). Don't confuse the driving frequency ω with the natural frequency of the oscillator ω0. It is for this reason that the notation ω0 for the natural frequency is introduced.

Particular Solution

The particular solution is a function xp(t) that satisifies the D.E. with the driving force (the inhomogeneous term).

Homogeneous Solution

The equation with zero driving force (no term not linear in x) is called the homogeneous equation. We discussed the solutions to this equation, let's call them xh(t). The homogeneous solution contains arbitrary constants (two for this second order equation) while the particular solution doesn't. Additionally, we saw that in all cases the homogeneous solution eventually decays to zero. While not absolutely required (damping forces may be absent), this is a common feature of these types of problems.

General Solution

The homogeneous solution can be added to the particular solution, and the result still satisfies the inhomogeneous D.E. A general solution of the inhomogeneous D.E. is the sum of the particular plus the homogeneous solution:

xg(t) = xp(t) + xh(t)

The particular solution has no arbitrary constants. The constants of integration are all contained in the homogeneous solution. Given a sufficiently long time, the homogeneous solution will exponentially approach zero, and we're left with just the particular solution.

Complex Solutions for a Sinusoidal Driving Force

x[ddot] + 2βx[dot] + ω0²x = f0cos(ωt)

This is easiest to solve by utilizing the complex exponential. We can write

z[ddot] + 2βz[dot] + ω0²z = f0eiωt

which is equivalent to saying that we're solving two differential equaitons simultaneously, one (the real part) with a cosine driving force, and the other (the imaginary part) with a sinusoidal driving force. Changing the parameter from x to z is to remind you of this change. Now it is fairly obvious that we want a particular solution that is a complex exponential with the same frequency, z(t) = Ceiωt where C can be complex (and generally must be, as we'll see). Substituting in this form for z we get

(-ω² + 2iβω + ω0²)C = f0.

This is easily solved for the complex amplitude C

C = f0 / (ω0² - ω² + 2iβω).

It is much easier ot visualize what is happening if we find the magnitude and phase of C. The magnitude is found by multiplying C by its complex conjugate (change every i to -i) and taking the square root

|C| = √CC* = sqrt{f0² / [(ω0² - ω² + 2iβω)(ω0² - ω² - 2iβω)]
|C| = f0 / sqrt[(ω0² - ω²)² + 4β²ω²]

The tangent of the phase is the ratio of the imaginary part to the real part (Taylor defines the phase as the negative of this). It is convenient to make the denominator of C real to extract the real and imaginary parts, yielding

C = f00² - ω² - 2iβω) / [(ω0² - ω²)² + 4β²ω²].

The f0 and the quantity in the denominator are common to both the real and imaginary parts, so the phase is simply

tanδ = -2βω / (ω0² - ω²)

Now the particular solution has the form

z(t) = |C|eiωt + δ

© Robert Harr 2006