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Midterm 2
The second midterm exam is next Tuesday, 9 March 1999, 11:45
to 1:15. The exam is closed book. Bring a calculator.
The exam will focus on material from chapters 4 and 7, and
includes the review of vector algebra. Of course these chapters
build on material from chapters 2 and 3, so that material is very
Chapter 2: Newtonian Mechanics, Rectilinear Motion of a
- F = dp/dt = ma = m dv/dt = m d2x/dt2
- Kinetic energy: T = 1/2 mv2
- Work: W = òFdx =
- Potential energy and potential functions.
- Solving problems with various types of forces:
- constant forces
- spring forces
Chapter 3: Oscillations
- General solution of the SHO equation.
- Amplitude, phase, kinetic and potential energy for a SHO
- Small oscillations about a minimum for an arbitrary
Chapter 4: Motion in 2 and 3 Dimensions
Before proceeding into chapter 4, we reviewed vectors and
vector algebra, and introduced some rules for differentiating
vectors. Then we applied these skills to Newton's laws expressed
in vector notation and applicable to problems involving more than
1 dimension.
- F = dp/dt
= ma = m dv/dt and
F12 = -F21.
- T = 1/2 mv·v =
1/2 mv2
- W = òF·ds
= òF·v
dt = DT
- A force is conservative if Ñ×F
= 0. This means that a potential energy function, ÑV,
exists such that F = V.
- A conservative force conserves mechanical energy: E
= V + T = constant.
- Energy graphs: a plot of potential energy versus position
and showing a line representing the total energy of the
system. The endpoints or limits of allowed motion are
found at the points where the potential energy curve
crosses the total energy line.
- Force field diagrams and equipotential contours.
- Problems with forces of the separable type, especially
the 2 special cases:
- Problems with motion under a constant force.
- Two and three dimensional harmonic oscillators.
Chapter 7: Systems of Particles
Chapter 7 is devoted to derivations of the forms of Newton's
second law that are applicable to systems of point-like
particles. The principle results are
- The center of mass (CM) of a system is given by a mass
weighted average of the positions of the particles.
- The motion of the CM of the system is determined by total
external force Fext = dpcm/dt.
- If there are no external forces then the momentum of the
CM is conserved.
- The total kinetic energy is composed of the kinetic
energy of the CM plus the kinetic energy of the motion of
individual particles relative to the CM.
- Now that we have an extended system, it makes sense to
discuss angular momentum:
- The rate of change of the total angular momentum
equals the total torque.
- The total angular momentum is composed of two
parts: the angular momentum of the CM of the
system about the origin of coordinates, and the
angular momentum of the system about its CM
- Lcm = rcm×pcm
- Lrel = Si ri'×pi'
- We also discussed collision problems, impulse, and
variable mass motion.
- In collisions, momentum is conserved.
- In elastic collisions, mechanical energy is
conserved. In inelastic collisions, mechanical
energy is not conserved. The extent to which
energy is not conserved is measured by the
quantity of restitution, e.
- Impulse is a way of averaging over a rapidly
changing force.
- When a system is gaining or losing mass, we apply
a variation of Newton's second law:
Fext = m dv/dt
- v dm/dt.
Good luck on the exam.
© 04 March 1999 R. Harr