PHY5210 W15

Chapter 7: Lagrange's Equations



S = ∫12 L(qi, qidot, t) dt.
L/∂qi - (d/dt)(∂L/∂qidot) = 0
L = T - U

Generalized Momenta and Ignorable Coordinates

Recall that we introduced the terminology that ∂L/∂qi = Fi is a generalized force and ∂L/∂qidot = pi is a generalized momentum. And with this notation Lagrange's equations read

Fi = dpi/dt.

It is sometimes the case that the Lagrangian for a system won't depend a coordinate qk. In this situation, the corresponding generalized force will be zero, Fk = 0 and the generalized momentum will be conserved. Such a coordinate is said to by cyclic or ignorable since the generalized momenta are just constants of the motion.

This situation is a simple of example of a broader theorem about conserved quantities in a system called Noether's Theorem (named for Emmy Noether, a late 19th / early 20th century female mathematician/physicist).

© 2015 Robert Harr