void Zllvertex() { // // Draws the feynman diagram for the Z-2-lepton vertex. // TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "A canvas", 1, 1, 350, 300); c1->Range(0, 0, 60, 50); Int_t linsav = gStyle->GetLineWidth(); gStyle->SetLineWidth(2); TLatex t; t.SetTextAlign(22); t.SetTextSize(0.1); TLine * l; // // The Wll diagram // Double_t x0 = 30; Double_t y0 = 25; Double_t x1 = x0-20; Double_t x2 = x0+20; Double_t y1 = y0-15; Double_t y2 = y0+15; l = new TLine(x0, y0, x2, y1); l->Draw(); l = new TLine(x0, y0, x2, y2); l->Draw(); // // Add arrows // Double_t xa = (x0+x2)/2.0; Double_t ya = (y0+y1)/2.0; a = new TArrow(x2, y1, xa, ya); a->Draw(); Double_t xa = (x0+x2)/2.0; Double_t ya = (y0+y2)/2.0; a = new TArrow(x0, y0, xa, ya); a->Draw(); l = new TLine(x1, y0, x0, y0); l->SetLineStyle(3); l->Draw(); Double_t xt = x2+5.0; Double_t yt = y2; t.DrawLatex(xt,yt,"l"); Double_t xt = x2+5.0; Double_t yt = y1; t.DrawLatex(xt,yt,"#bar{l}"); Double_t xt = x1-5.0; Double_t yt = y0; t.DrawLatex(xt,yt,"Z^{0}"); c1->Update(); gStyle->SetLineWidth(linsav); }