Scattering Cross Sections
Consider the elastic collision between two spheres of radius R, one fixed rigidly in place. From the figure we see that b=R sinα, and also that 2α + θ = π. Use the second expression to eliminate sinα from the first. We have sinα = sin(π/2 -θ/2) = cos(θ/2), so that
If the impact parameter lies in the ring between b and b+db, then it will have a scattering angle between θ and θ+dθ. The initial ring the particle passes through has area dσ = 2πb db, and it scatters into a solid angle dΩ = 2πsinθ d&theta = -2πd(cosθ). (θ lies between 0 and π such that dΩ is always positive.) We call the ratio dσ/dΩ the differential cross section, and in this example it is
Differentiating the expression for b(θ) we have
The classic(al) scattering experiment is Rutherford's scattering experiment where α particles (4He nuclei) emitted by radioactive decay are collimated into a narrow beam impinging on a thin gold foil. The α particles scatter from the gold nuclei and are detected. In previous courses you have probably worked out the 1/sin4(θ/2) distribution of scattered particles. Let's review how this is done to make connection with quantities we will use.
The relation between impact parameter and scattering angle for a charge q1 with initial kinetic energy T scattering in the electrostatic potential from a fixed charge q2 is
In scattering experiments we characterize the beam by its luminosity, L, defined as the number of beam particles per unit area per second passing through an imaginary plane. The number of interactions per second is N = Lσ. The number of interactions scattering into solid angle dΩ per second is dN = L(dσ/dΩ)dΩ. We can also write dσ/dΩ = (1/L)dN/dΩ.
In the general case of particles 1 and 2 colliding and producing particles 3, 4, ... , N
Consider a two-body to two-body scattering process
In the CM, p1 = -p2, therefore p1μp2μ = E1E2 + p12. After some massaging,
Consider a two-body to two-body scattering process
Consider the target to be of thickness dx, and to have nB B particles per unit volume. The flux of incoming particles (particles/cm2/sec) is Φ = nAvi where nA is the density of A particles in the beam and vi is their velocity. For a single nucleus interaction cross section, σ, the fraction of the target area covered by the cross section of B particles is σ nB dx. The scattering rate is the rate that A particles will hit this area